
About Us

The Church

Hamilton Square Baptist Church has been a welcoming, transforming church in the heart of San Francisco since 1881 and continues to serve its members, friends and visitors with clear and practical Biblical teaching.

HSBC welcomes all who seek the truth which leads to hope and peace.

The People

Hamilton Square is composed of warm and caring people, encompassing over twenty spoken languages, ethnicities and cultures. People from around the world have found friendship and fellowship here.

Our common ground is the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to traditional-style worship services, we enjoy meeting together for Bible studies, conferences, outreach events and other activities.

The Ministry

Hamilton Square strives to help people find the living and true God, in Whom are the answers to all of life's difficulties. But finding God is just the beginning. Knowing and developing a personal relationship with God takes time and study. 


To assist in personal growth in their relationship with God, Hamilton Square offers a variety of ministries that meet the needs of its members, friends and guests. These ministries exist to build one another up, for spiritual growth and encouragement, and to provide a time of enjoyment for all who are involved.


We invite you to experience the abundant joy and peace that comes through a personal relationship with God by ministry involvement at Hamilton Square.