
Adult Ministries

Discipleship Ministry 

A strong and vibrant Christian life must be built on a solid foundation.  To this end, Hamilton Square has developed a one-on-one a personal discipleship ministry covering basic areas of personal spiritual growth and development. Subjects such as Assurance of Salvation, Confession of Sin, Bible Study, Prayer, Baptism, Witnessing and others are covered quite comprehensively.

The fourteen weeks series of lessons is specifically designed to help new Christians become firmly planted in the faith through fundamental teachings of God's Word. This ministry has been a tremendous blessing to many people whose desire is to know and better understand who God is and how we can relate with Him.

If you desire to take advantage of this excellent opportunity for spiritual growth, please call the church office for more information.

Berean Bible Study

The Berean Bible Study is a Bible class for adults which meets on Sunday mornings at 9:45 a.m. during the children’s Sunday school hour and is led by Dr. Kelly and Pastor Pelletier.  Each Sunday morning begins with prayer requests, followed by a brief time of prayer and then an engaging Bible study.

Over the years, the group has studied through many books of the Bible, including the Gospels of Matthew and John.  Past studies have included topics such as: Psalms that Warm the Heart, The Life and Ministry of Christ, Mighty Answers to Prayer, Finding your Spiritual Gifts, How to Find God’s Will for Your Life, How to Study the Bible for Yourself and many other practical topics.

We look forward to you joining us in our Berean Bible Study on Sunday mornings!

l.i.l.i.e.s. Women's Ministry

Ladies Instructing Ladies In Eternal Service

This ministry to women meets on the second Saturday of each month at 10:30 a.m. and includes time for prayer, a devotional or Bible study and refreshments. The meetings are organized and led by Mrs. Maalona and Mrs. Pelletier. Guest speakers meet with the ladies from time to time. Special times together find them baking cookies for special events, organizing a high tea for all the ladies of the church, or visiting shut-ins and seniors. Check the "Calendars" page for our next meeting time. We'd love to meet you.

man-up men's Ministry

The men's ministry gives men the opportunity to get together for food, fellowship, and either a short time of prayer or Bible study. We meet at the church on the last Saturday of the month (January-October) at 9 am and end our time no later than 10:30 am. We understand that Saturdays are precious, so we promise not to keep you long. Please come and see for yourself the blessing that comes when men meet together in the goodness of the Lord.

Check the "Calendars" page for our next meeting time.

Salt & Light Singles Ministry

Salt & Light is made up mostly of college and career-aged singles and single parents. It's purpose is to give this dynamic group of people the opportunity to meet together for food, fellowship, activities, retreats, conferences and encouragement.

Pastor Pelletier and his wife along with a handful of dedicated singles, lead this group in planning and preparing for its get-togethers and ministries. Singles, 18 years of age and older, are welcome to all Salt & Light meetings and activities.

Homebuilders' Fellowship Ministry

Hamilton Square is a wonderful place for friendship and fellowship. In this ministry, married couples meet periodically for fellowship, exciting activities, and interesting outings. Don't get cabin fever. We'd love to meet and share in the joy of the Lord with you!