
Discipleship Ministry

Hamilton Square Baptist Church offers to its people a One-on-One 14-Lesson Discipleship course designed to help new believers plant their feet in the fundamentals of God's Word and to help them grow in spiritual maturity as fruitful servants for Christ.

The course includes a student's booklet that asks questions to which answers are found by the Bible reference given, and a teacher's manual to help the discipler guide the student through each lesson.

Although we have included this important tool for you to use online, please be aware that much of the information printed in this course was permitted to us by the original author who had put together a much simpler course many years ago. The bones of that course were used to structure what has become HSBC's version of the Discipleship Course. The Student's Workbook and the Disciplers Manual are both copyrighted material and may not be printed or changed in any way without written permission (email) from Hamilton Square Baptist Church. 

The following links will guide you to the course- one to the Student's Workbook and the other to the Discipler's Manual. The Discipler's Manual is password protected from gaining access to view and another to print. Please email us for the passwords at office@hamiltonsquare.net and let me know what you desire. We are here to help you in any way we can.

Thank you.