
Music Ministry

Music is a bedrock of worship in the congregation of believers. 

The Bible clearly teaches that those who know and love God, and who have been transformed by His saving grace, are to be salt, light and a testimony for Him by living a transformed life that glorifies God’s Holy nature.

This transformation carries over in a practical way into the music and worship of the church. At Hamilton Square we desire to minister music to the hearts and lives of our people in a way that will encourage them to live lives of blameless integrity.

In our worship services we feature music of traditional hymns and lively gospel songs during congregational singing. Adult and children’s choirs sing conservative choir arrangements and spirited anthems, and our soloists and music groups use music that honors and reflects God’s holy, pure and glorious character.

It is our belief that “worship is the entertainment of God, not the entertainment of man." Our place is to "glorify Him together." Reflecting this belief, the focus of our music and our worship at Hamilton Square is upon the glory of God and His response – joy and rejoicing in heaven at the sincere praise of His people.